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The Grain-Free Gourmets Behind the Scenes.

Creating Gluten-Free Magic

“Welcome to my gluten-free world, where deliciousness and healthy living coexist harmonically. My name is Arran and I aim to share with you the joy and freedom of gluten-free cooking – showing you that it’s more than possible to savour the good things in life, one wholesome recipe at a time! Join me as we unravel the mysteries of gluten-free cooking, proving that this journey isn’t just about eating healthily, it’s about rediscovering the joy in every bite.”

Arran T., Gluten-Free Cooking

Welcome to our little corner on the internet where I, Arran, document my explorations and successes in the world of gluten-free cooking.

My journey in this direction was quite the ride. 20 years ago, I was living out my dream as the manager of a bustling restaurant in York, a city which fuelled my gastronomic imagination. My palette began to expand as I experimented with various cuisines.

A personal pivot occurred when I decided to return to my hometown. Destiny was playing its role too. I met Maria, my soulmate, an extraordinary woman who reshaped my life and joy of food in the most beautiful way. She introduced me to the challenges of being a coeliac disease sufferer and the daily complexities of living gluten-free.

I fondly remember the first time I cooked a gluten-free meal for Maria, striving to make it as memorable as possible. It was an eclectic three-course affair starting with a scrumptious courgette (zucchini) cannelloni, sans pasta. The pièce de résistance was a mushroom risotto, prepared painstakingly. And a luscious chocolate mousse to sweeten the deal. No half-measures, right?

We now have a three-year-old little food critic of our own, Alex, who not only enjoys but often also assists in my culinary escapades. It’s through this life-changing experience that I started this gluten-free cooking blog.

I have learnt that food sensitivities and intolerances don’t have to limit one’s options. And this is exactly what I intend to convey through this space – showing that gluten-free does not mean taste-free or fun-free.

Here, I share my home recipes, cooking techniques, tips for sourcing gluten-free ingredients, and all the wisdom I’ve gathered over the years. It’s my little ode to gluten-free cooking. I want you to enjoy gluten-free food as much as we do.

My story doesn’t end here. Every new recipe I attempt is a continuation of my journey. It’s a joy to share these stories, insights, and culinary creations with you.

So welcome, have a browse, and join our family as we learn, grow and delight in the limitless world of gluten-free cooking. You’ll find inspiration, friendship and plenty of dishes to tickle your taste buds!